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逃脫遊戲: 數學者的書房

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◆ Prologue ◆
How long has it been since my grandpa died?
He was a mathematician.
He was not famous but he loved math.
Every night he would go to bed thinking about math, and would solve the problems in his dreams.
We would spend time together every day, and you'd give me your original puzzles.
My family has kept his room untouched, even now.
We don't know math, but there have been many puzzles set into this room.
They are precious to us, because we think they might reveal his last will and testament.
I decided to go into his room because I wanted to be reminded of him after such a long time.

◆Your mission is only to escape from the room by opening the door. However, to do this, you'll need to gather some items and use those items in solving puzzles. The rules are very simple. You can tap various locations, and you can also flick when you need to move about the room.


◆Compatible Devices:
iPhone 3GS and later iPod touch and iPad compatible iOS6.0.1 and later 

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